Bibi Khanom’s Starling (1968)

Bibi Khanom’s Starling (1968)

A collection of short stories, including:

The title story

Brother’s Future Family (Translated by M. Beard in the Chicago Anthology/ Stories from Iran. Also translated by J. E. Knörzer under the title Big Brother’s Future In-Laws. Read R.Friend and J. Green’s articles.)

Ya’ghoub the Subtle

The Russet Cockroach


Rain and Lonelyness (The German translation: Regen und Einsamkeit in Die Beiden Ehemänner, Prosa aus Iran, Rütten & Loening, Berlin)

My Grand Father is …(Translated by J. E. Knörzer in Suri & Co.)

Counting the Chicks Before they are Hatched

Party(See Suri & Co.)

The Smell of Lemon Peel; the Smell of Fresh Milk (Translated by H. Moayyad in the Chicago Anthology / Stories from Iran)